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4. Import file type support

Various file types are supported by Gamman and can be imported. An overview is listed in the table below:

ExtensionNameDescriptionSpecific options
JSONMedusa mDOSFiles created with mDOS, Medusa's internal data log interface

Skip "paused" records: Do not import records marked with a "paused" tag

Skip "sample" records: Do not import records included in a sample measurement

MDLMedusa data logger fileFiles created with MASS, Medusa's external data log applicationNone
SDFMedusa synchronized data fileFiles created by Medusa synchronizer which combines GPS data with spectral informationInterpolate sparse nonzero values: Zero values of data points will be interpolated if checked.
GREElectromind fileData file from Electromind spectral borehole logging toolsNone
GRSTerratec fileData file from Terratec AirborneNone
CSVMOLE dataloggerSpectral Gamma files from the Soil CompanyNone
TEXT (txt, asc, dat, csv, etc)Generic text basedData and spectra organized in rowsNone

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