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1. Software download and installation

1.1. Latest version

The latest version of the software can be downloaded here:

File Modified

File Setup_Gamman 1-5build842.exe

Apr 05, 2023

1.2. Setup

To install the software just download the exe to your desktop and double-click the downloaded file. The rest will speak for itself

1.3. Upgrading Gamman - where are my files?

The installer will overwrite your existing copy of Gamman. In versions before 1.4, the program folder contained not only the software exe, but also a number of initialisation (INI) files and possibly your MCF files. As some of the INI files (and the MCF files) get rewritten sometimes, windows requires to use specific folders for those kind of files. The following folders are created when installing the latest version of Gamman:

Gamman item


Gamman exe, gamman manual, spectrometer databases

C:\Program Files (x86)\Medusa Radiometrics BV\GAMMAN

Default location Gamman project files and detector calibration files

%USERDIR%\Gamman Projects
(normally C:\users\<yourname>\Gamman Projects)

Gamman ini file (all program settings valid for local computer),
license information


1.4. Gamman Version History



Release notes


  • Adjustments of the lay-out

  • Option added to export data via a template

  • Several enhancements and bug fixes



  • Disabled need for registration. The software is as of now free to use. Support will be available via the Medusa support contract.

  • Import of mDOS JSON files is now deprecated. Still available through the [file.create from mODS] menu. The use of the mDOS parser software to read mDOS data and create a Gamman project file (.gsf) is now the mandatory method of handling mDOS data.



  • Included elevation corrections for "drone" detectors MS-350, MS-700 and MS-1000. Corrections cover elevations between 0-40m

  • mDOS JSON import has been updated to allow import of calibration data stored on the latest version sensors

  • Several enhancements and bug-fixes



  • Included JSON import from new Medusa sensors



  • Fixed a bug in the on-line program activation that caused options not to be registered.

  • Several fixes in cosmic corrections and airborne correction modules



  • Implements on-line registration, dongles become obsolete.

  • Installation script changed to reflect Windows-10 demands on user and program data locations.



  • Minor bug fixes



  • Created a work-around for erroneous MDL file format specific to a 2.1.11 version of MASS.



  • Minor bug fixes



  • Included readout of spectrometer ID to ease finding of the right calibration file for Medusa sensors produced after 1st of July 2017

  • Included non-negative least squares fitting as an option in all fitting methods

  • Included a novel, model-based  approach to cosmic background estimation algorithm (also see 1. Cosmic background spectra in Gamman )

  • Gamman now calculates pressure, temp and humidity channels for Medusa Enviroboxes readout by MASS logging software

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