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The data page is used to configure outgoing and incoming data. Using this page it is possible to configure a data stream going to an external logging device. Data can be send over ethernet (UDP), or by using the RS232 protocol.

Sensor specification

If an RS-232 port is not present in the housing of the system, the data lines are embedded in the Lemo-connector and a specific cable/box may be necessary to access the RS-232 port.

Data over ethernet


Stream data over UPDEnable/disable the datastream
Ip addressThe address where to send the data
PortThe address where top send the data
Data included in the streamConfigure which messages are included in the data stream (see JSON sensor documentation for a descript of the data)

RS232 port


ModeOutput: Stream data: Send the sensor data in the JSON format over RS-232
This setting will add the configuration of the included messages in the data stream (see JSON sensor documentation for a descript of the data)

Output: Medusa NMEA strings: Send the sensor data in the Medusa NMEA protocol over RS-232
This setting will add the configuration of the included sensors in the data stream, and the channels to sum option (see Medusa NMEA protocol documentation for the description of the data).

Input: RTCM GPS corrections: These corrections will be passed to the GPS and enable RTK precision

Input: NMEA strings: This option will listen for GGA NMEA messages and will parse these for latitude and longitude. Other messages than the GGA string will be ignored.

Input: text data: Text streamed to the RS-232 port will be stored in a TXT_external JSON data entry in the project.

Baud rateThe baud rate of the RS-232 connection


NTRIP messages are correction applied to the GPS data and enable RTK precision (centimetre) of the GPS. For this, an external source of corrections is needed and these are passed through an NTRIP service.


EnableEnable/disable NTRIP messages
HostThe IP address or website of the host
UsernameThe username for the NTRIP service
PasswordThe username for the NTRIP service
Select mountpointThe mountpoint used for the RTK corrections. A list can be retrieved by selecting a correct host and port and then using the request mountpoints button.
RTCM indicatorAn indicator showing RTCM messages are coming in.

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