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The detector has four LEDs embedded in the top cap. The orientation of the LEDs relative to the connector depends on the detector series. Some detectors are mounted with the fastening wings down such as the MS-2000, and some are mounted with the fastening wings up such as the MS-350 or the MS-1000. The position described below is with the connector oriented below the LEDs.

PWRGreenInput voltage is ok and in the right input range

RedInput voltage is too low

Red blinkingBlinking at 1 hz means that the input power could not be measured

BlueInput voltage is too high, possibly damaging the internal electronics

PurpleInput voltage has large fluctuations, please check the power supply

ETHGreenEthernet cable is connected

BlueThe device is connected to the internal through an internal 4g modem and simcard

SCNYellowA raw spectrum is collected.

GreenA raw spectrum is stabilized, analysed and stored.

AUXYellowA PTH reading is collected and stored

GreenA GPS reading is collected and stored

BlueA auxiliary reading is collected (possibly external sensor)

If the SCN and AUX LEDs blink in red this means that the internal storage is almost full. The threshold percentage for this signal as well as the action taken when the device is full can be set on the settings page on the webserver. The default action when all storage space is taken is to overwrite the oldest data.

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