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1. Create new project

In this chapter all the functions of Gamman will be explained in detail. A general working procedure for analysis of gamma spectra with Gamman is shown in the chart below.

1. When creating a new project, Gamman will create a file called a Gamman Survey File (GSF). Gamman energy stabilizes the imported data (to make sure the energy peaks are at the right place) with information from the calibration file of your detector.
2. The second step is to validate the dataset and the stabilization. The dataset could contain incorrect data which you want to remove, this data can be tagged.
3. After choosing the fitting scheme the data can be processed to calculate the nuclide concentrations. Several fitting schemes can be applied to improve the accuracy.
4. Again the 'new' dataset can be validated and exported for further processing in for example a GIS tool. All settings and information is stored in the Gamman file.

Create a new project

When adding a dataset to Gamman the data will be energy stabilized with the factors in the calibration file of your detector. This new dataset forms the Gamman Survey File (GSF).

Import dataset

Adding new data to your project

1. To create a new project select File | Create from in the menu bar located on the top left of the screen (or press CTRL+N to go directly to the 'create from' dialog you last used).
2. Select the desired file type to import and the calibration file of the detector used in the survey. Various file types are supported and depending on which file you want to import a different screen will pop-up, the basic principle in each window is the same. Some windows contain few extra options, the options are explained in this topic: Software reference > Import file type support

3. The 'import button' is used to import a dataset, in this case datasets with the extension SDF. The list below the icon shows an overview of all uploaded calibration files of which one should be chosen. The textbox to the right contains specific information about this calibration file. For example information about which radio-nuclides are included in the calibration, in which geometry the calibration file can be used and the expiration date of the calibration file.
Note: when mDOS (json) files are uploaded, a calibration file does not have to be selected. This is because the calibration file of the used detector is already included in the JSON file.

4. Press the Ok button to finish. Gamman will now 'stabilize' the data using the selected calibration file. This process is discussed in more detail in the topic: Stabilization .

5. When using MDL files or mDOS (json) files, a pop-up window "Project data layout" will appear. This enables you to order the different types of input in the raw data section of the data view. De different input sensor types are displayed on the left. The data fields belonging to each sensor type are displayed on the right. The sequence in which the sensor types are loaded, can be changed by changing the sequence of the sensor types here by dragging the # of the sensor up or down and choose to display them or not. These settings can be stored as a template by clicking Store and entering a name. This will be the default in your next project and can be chosen from the drop-down box. Press Ok to store and then press Ok to finish.

See also
· Reference > Import type file support

Uploading calibration files

On first use, the calibration file has to be uploaded to the program. Calibration files can be recognized by the extension MCF. The Gamman installation comes with a single Gamman calibration file. This calibration file (SCB095.MCF) contains a set of calibration spectra for a 4x4x16 inch cesium iodide detector and is added for instructive purposes only. After the file has been uploaded it shows up in the list of detector files. The procedure of uploading a calibration file is very simple.

1. Start Windows Explorer, locate and open the calibration file.
2. Gamman will automatically start, upload the calibration file and display a message if successful

See also
· Reference > (v1.4) 3. Calibration files

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