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6. Process data

Processing data will calculate the nuclide concentrations, this calculation is based on the fitted curve as discussed in the chapter on stabilization. The processing data menu provides several 'fitting schemes' which can be applied to the raw spectra. The fitting schemes improve the fit results by using variance reduction or averaging the raw dataset. After processing the data the results can be exported to a CSV file.

6.1 Process data

Five fitting schemes can be used in Gamman. A fitting scheme sums records in various ways to get more accurate nuclide concentrations. This chapter explains how to use the fitting schemes.

Processing data

1. Press the Process button in the top menu bar to open the process dialog and process all raw data. You can also select records from the raw data table and process only this selection by clicking the Selection button.

2. Choose one of the fitting scheme listed. In the Reference a description of each fitting scheme is enclosed.

3. Processing data will apply the specified fitting method on the raw data and create a new table containing the results, the processed data. You can switch between these two by pressing the tabs in the data viewer table.

4. Processing will only include data which is not tagged.

5. With the option Average and fit selection you can average the selected records into one record useful in, for example, point measurements. Quickly accessible by pressing Ctrl+F.

6.2 Export results

The raw and processed data table and spectrum (energy stabilized and raw) can be exported as a Comma Seperated File CSV. After this the file can be opened in for example a GIS tool for further processing.

Export data
1. To export data click on File | Export results
2. A new window pops up, where you can select which data you want to export.

The spectrum can be exported raw or energy stabilized divided into 300 or 256 channels. You can include or exclude the tagged data, if tagged data is included it can be identified with the column 'TAGGED'.

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