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The Medusa mMCA Version2 combines the MCA from the Version1 unit with an embedded computer system running mDOS (Medusa Detector Operating System). The Medusa MCA version 1 is a propitiatory multi-channel analyser that contains a fully digital, FPGA-based multichannel analyser with built-in HV. This system is mounted directly on the back of the PMT thereby optimising cable lengths and reducing noise. Version2 contains an industrial-grade computing module with peripheral sensors and a dedicated power supply board. These electronics have been designed to minimize volume, weight and power usage.

The system is fully autonomous and has optional functionality to process the measured data in realtime and outputting nuclide concentration. This gives direct insight in the measured data and enables the further automation of gamma-ray surveys.

The characteristics of the MCA are listed on the page: MCA specifications

Specific to this model are:

Readout & power
CommunicationRS-232 or ethernet
EthernetStatic or dynamic IP
Power9-18V (standard) or 9-35V (on request)

2.5W (normal) - 6W (peak)

Included sensor
Processor4× ARM Cortex-A53, 1.2GHz
Internal storage4Gb flash (expandable on request).
Real time clockResolution: seconds to years
Accelerometerlow noise, 14bit ADC resolution with 0.244 mg/LSB

On-board loggindefault included
On-board processingoptional, default not included
Web-interfaceDefault spectrum viewer and file manager included
Project managerAvailable on request
GPSAvailable on request
Pressure, temperature,height sensorsAvailable on request
External power supplyBattery

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