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MDC-80x cable

Communication protocolNone
Last spectrometerActive
Voltage protection

No voltage protection

Connector ALemo FGG.1K.308
Connector BDepending on the type

The MDC-80x cables are used in the gSMS and RhoC5 systems. Note that not all cables in this series are interchangeable.

Please contact Medusa if the cable needs servicing.



Has a Lemo FGG.1K.308 on both sides. Usually supplied in combination with a solar panel and battery unit.
In gSMS systems this cable can be used for battery voltage monitoring

MDC-801Has a Lemo FGG.1K.308 on one side. The other side has flying leads for power and an ethernet connector.
MDC-802Used only to power the sensor via USB. Has a Lemo FGG.1K.308 on one side and a USB-A connector on the other side.
MDC-803Used only to power the sensor via power delivery USB-C. Has a Lemo FGG.1K.308 on one side and a USB-C connector on the other side. Use the pin-out of MDC-40x cables. 

Pin description

MDC-800 MDC-801 MDC-802 MD-803DescriptionWire color
1118GroundBlack or brown
2221PowerRed or blue
3n.c.n.c.n.c.Battery ground
4n.c.n.c.n.c.Battery senseBlue/white


To monitor the battery voltage with a MDC-800 cable, the battery ground should be attached to the battery's minus terminal, and the battery sense should be attached to the positive terminal.

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