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MSB-301 assembly instructions

The attached pictures show examples of how the MS-350/700/1000 MSB-301 drone mounts are assembled. This drone mount is a carbon fiber plate that can easily be customized to be attached under many drone frames.

FNY07420 copy.png



MS-350 plate

FNY07410 copy.png

FNY07429 copy.png

Drone plaat MS-350 Drawing.pdf

MS-700 plate
e.g. attached to a DJI-M600 frame

FNY07408 copy.png

FNY07420 copy.png

Drone plaat MS-700.pdf

MS-1000 plate
E.g. attached to a Gremsy quick-release system

FNY07407 copy.png

FNY07421 copy.png

Drone plaat MS-1000.pdf

Assembly instructions

Quick release

It is possible to add a quick-release system to this plate. This includes a second part that can be attached to the bottom of a drone. These two separate parts can be easily (re-)attached.

The pictures to the right show how the upper part of the mounting is attached to the bottom of a DJI M300 drone.

Media (31).jfif
Media (32).jfif
Media (34).jfif

The two parts of the mounting plate attached by the quick-release system

Media (33).jfif

Mounting plate with an outfitter area for a power bank on an MS350 detector

The picture below show how the detector is mounted under a DJI-M600 frame or fitted with a quick-release interface.

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