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Connection box

The connection box provides RS-232 and ethernet access and a separate power input. This box can be used on any Medusa detector with a Lemo detector, such as detectors that use an MDC-40x cable, an MDC-50x cable, or an MDC-60x cable. This connection box is the default method of providing access to the sensors for the MS-2000 and is available on request for the MS-1000, MS-700, and MS-350. In addition to providing power to the sensor, this connection box can connect to the sensor by using ethernet or use the RS-232 interface of the sensor. 

Connection box inputs



Connector type on box

Cable to connect


Male DB9 connector

Female DB9 serial cable


Female RJ45 connector 

standard RJ45 cable


TE Connectivity T4130012031-000

MDC-70x cable

Connection box output



Connector type on box

Cable to connect


Lemo HET.1M.308.XLDP

MDC-60x cable

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